Sunday, February 23, 2014

Rip It

Photo by Andrew Kirwan
February 22nd, 2014

Prominent sports figure Bo Jackson and other celebrities are spokespeople for 5-Hour Energy commercials.

Adults of all ages are relying on extra energy to get through the day.

Many college students and busy professionals rely on coffee, but many people without time or money turn to energy drinks.

Red Bull was the first major energy drink to hit markets in 1987.

Arizona casino dealer and recent college graduate Andrew Kirwan says, "the best energy drink outside of energy shots is Rip It."

When I asked Andrew for details he said, "Rip It has the best value, taste and caffeine content."

Andrew really enjoys the different flavors and the low cost of Rip It. He says most competitors including Red Bull don't offer flavors or the affordability.

Andrew consumes many energy drinks due to the random hours of working in a casino. Andrew started drinking energy drinks in college.

Rip It's website says the drink isn't distributed in California. The Rip It website lists the drink's distributors. Dollar Tree stores sell one case of the drink for exactly one dollar each can. Multiple flavors are available.

After minimal research it is clear Rip It is one of the most popular energy drinks on the market.

Andrew says he first saw Rip It at a gas station in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Andrew didn't know you could buy cases online before he informed me about this energy drink.

There will be a new energy drink highlighted next week!